Friday, May 24, 2013

The PinkPanda fail moments....

Happy Friday!
Hope you'll all have a nice Memorial Day weekend~

Let's take a look at some fail projects we have had today :p
I love to show you all our cute crafts but, we can't be making everything neat and successful the whole time (Right~?) I like to learn from my mistakes and it gives me an even better feeling, like I finally conquered my failure! I know a lot of crafters would understand what I mean~ lol

I was doing this Churro charm and they were all finally dried. Then I painted them and wanted to put some dips on them. I didn't want to just squeeze on some fabric paint. I wanted it to have that "dip in" effect (You know what I mean~? lol) Also, fabric paints are not cheap. It could cost a couple bottles to have enough to dip the churros in there. Therefore, I decided to try some acrylic paints~

I mixed some white and red to make a pink color. I was mixing it and the consistency seemed right. So I was like, hummmm.... it should be ok~ Then I dipped a couple of my churros in. I still don't know why I didn't test one out first. I was exited! (Now I wasted couple of my churros....) After dipping them in, I just sat them on a foam block and waited for them to dry. A few minutes later I checked on them. Oh no.... the acrylic paint was dripping and sliding down from the churros  :(
Then of course I was so mad at myself of not having enough patience to test it out first.... (But sometimes it's hard when you're having a fun new project~!)
So, this is what I got....

Not only the paint was dripping all over the place. When it's dried, it also cracked like crazy! You can see cracks are everywhere in these 2 pictures. I was not happy about it. However, I still got to think of something to make it work. There's no way some people can do this and I can't!

Then I searched my drawers and see what I could do to fix it. I found a glue that I got and I only used it a couple times. I tried to compare this one with the E6000. I liked the E6000 better, so I left this one in my drawer and was waiting for a better moment to use it on my crafts~
And here it comes! It's time to take this glue out and test it out again (So I don't waste it lol)

This glue is white in color. When it's dried, it'll be clear~
I mixed the acrylic paints first to have the color I wanted, then I put the glue in there and mixed it again. The glue helped to get a much thicker consistency.

This time I dipped the churro in. Woo-Hoo! Succeeded!
It really gave that "dip in" effect~ The paint stayed on really nicely and it didn't drip. It didn't crack either~ Another good thing about this is, it has glue in there, so if you put some decorations on it (Like I put the clay candy beads on) it'd really stay on securely~

In the picture below you can see the difference between the successful one and the failed one. You can tell only with the acrylic paint is not thick enough. The paint would slide down and when it's dried, it cracks.... The glue really helps to give a thicker consistency and helps it to stay on well.

Now I'm happy with my results~

Here I have some more failed products to show you. Practice makes perfect, this is true. Well, sometimes things just happen and you don't get the result you expected. Don't give up and try it again. You'll have what you want and it gives you an even better feeling when you succeed :)

I've been making this type of polymer clay cupcakes for awhile now. Sometimes I still fail.... lol Like this one here, I tried to use a big tip for the silicone and you can tell it's really out of control haha.... Whipped cream is crooked. I was thinking MAYBE putting some chocolate syrup on would make it look better~? Eh! I was wrong~!

This cupcake here I was trying a new method to make the strawberry syrup. It's some gloss mixed with red paint. I only put it on the top flat part since I knew the gloss mixture was't thick enough and it wouldn't grip on the edge. At first it was doing pretty good, so I sat it away and waited for it to dry. Couple minutes later I looked and checked.... Eh! Failed again. The gloss mixture obviously couldn't fight the gravity and dripped all over the place....

Sometimes mixing the right color can be difficult. Some days I can do it right, some days I can do it way off! Don't ask me, I don't understand it either lol. Sometimes it's not only about mixing the color, it's also about the way how I paint it on. Different clay works better with different tools. Such as polymer clay, I like to use sponge. Some air dry clay I like to use paint brush. You just got to keep trying and find the right tools for yourself~

Look at that donut.... what was I doing/thinking?!

Sometimes it's not about the technique you have, it's about the product that you choose, too. I think I mentioned this problem I had before in the gloss review blog post. How in the world would I know that, the gloss I was using normally with no problem (and I liked it) would crack on the paint like crazy to me.... Oh well, now I know~

My first tried on making banana canes~ FAILED!

I'm still learning about this craft everyday. There's a lot of new things I'd like to try~ Even though I have a lot of failed projects (You can see some of them in the box lol), I still enjoy the process and love to see myself make some progress from time to time. If you love crafting, don't give up when you fail. The more you do it, the better the techniques you have~ Let your creativity helps you to solve some problems that you have. There's no right or wrong way to do your crafts. As long as you enjoy it, that's the most important part :)

Hope you all like the sharing we have this time~ If you like our blog, please subscribe. Don't forget to visit our Etsy shop too :)
Thank you very much and happy crafting!


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  1. I have plenty of failed ones too XD!!

  2. Thank you for sharing. I think we all have items like that but almost no one sees them so they don't know all the work that goes into making the perfect ones.

  3. AWww.. I'm sorry to see/hear about all the poor little ones that went into the "Fail" bucket :( But I'm glad you found the right formulae in the end!!

  4. Thank you all for the comments :)
    Failing moments are just part of the process in our crafts~ I'm glad that you like our sharing. I'm sure a lot of crafters have the same experience like we do~ This is why handmade is not like manufacture stuff. Handmade is unique, and it has more meanings in it.
    Please come back for more blog posts, we'll be sharing more in the future~
